Overcoming bottle refusal

IS possible

If you've tried everything and your baby still refuses the bottle, it's time to get some help.


Get help now


Bottle refusal is so stressful.


Does this picture sound familiar?

You have a big event coming up. You offered your baby a bottle, but they won't take it. Your baby used to take a bottle just fine, but now they refuse every time.

You've tried all the generic advice you found online:

  • Feeding warm, cold, and room-temperature breast milk or formula
  • Feeding with mom in another room or out of the house or maybe even in another state
  • Trying ten different bottles *just in case* your baby actually accepts one
  • Feeding your baby while bouncing on a yoga ball while they are wrapped in mom's shirt, wondering what the heck you're going to do next

nothing. is. working.

You're frustrated and upset. Your baby is frustrated and upset.

It's time for help

I'm Erin Moore.

I'm here to make feeding your baby less stressful.

After working with moms and babies as a nurse for over 10 years, I thought having a baby of my own would be a piece of cake. Boy, was I humbled. My own feeding struggles inspired me to help parents feed their babies without judgment or shame.

I've helped thousands of moms feel good about feeding their babies and toddlers - whether they are breastfeeding, formula feeding, or offering solid foods. Becoming a parent is hard. Feeding your baby doesn't need to be.


Bottle Refusal Bootcamp

Are you ready to successfully feed your baby from a bottle? 

What you'll walk away knowing:

  • A one-hour virtual consultation where we discuss your baby's reasons for bottle refusal
  • Clear, step-by-step instructions and exercises to help your baby accept the bottle based on your baby's needs
  • 4 weeks of email support with me so you can ask your questions in real-time
  • A 30-minute follow-up consult in 2 weeks to assess your baby's feeding plan

With expert guidance, you can help your baby get back to the bottle so you can stress less.

Price: $297

*Lactation services are often covered by HSA/FSA. 

Let's do it


Ready to end the bottle refusal struggle? 


Yes! Let's do this!